BEET-E-BITES COOKIE CRUMBLERS BEET-E-BITES, the leader in low sugar/low carbohydrate horse treats, introduces “COOKIE CRUMBLERS”, the easy, safe, and delicious way to hide medications and supplements.


BEET-E-BITES, the leader in low sugar/low carbohydrate horse treats, introduces “COOKIE CRUMBLERS”, the easy, safe, and delicious way to hide medications and supplements.

COOKIE CRUMBLERS are the only low sugar/low carb treat crumbles designed to hide the taste of medications and supplements. Simply top dressed on feed, these delicious treat crumbles are the ideal way to disguise those un-pleasant tasting medicines and supplements and offer your horse a little goody at the same time.

COOKIE CRUMBLERS come in our already popular four flavors of Licorice, Peppermint, Apple, and Carrot!cookiecrumblersgroupweb

There are three different types of carbohydrates utilized by horses: simple sugars and starches, rapidly fermentable carbohydrates, and slowly fermentable carbohydrates. The simplest, basic units of carbohydrates are monosaccharides or single sugars.

Carbohydrates have to be broken down into glucose before they can be used as energy.

Simple sugars and starches are not digested in the foregut and result in glucose that is available immediately as n energy source. These simple sugars and starches are found in grains, and in lesser quantities, hays and grasses. When large amounts of excess sugars and starches are fed, they are moved into the hindgut. These excesses can cause laminitis and digestive upsets in horses that are metabolically challenged, including Insulin Resistant, EMS, PSSM, and in some Cushing’s horses.

When considering carbohydrates in your horse’s diet, think forage first. Slowly fermentable carbohydrates coming from fiber are extremely important in the equine diet. These carbohydrates are digested by microbes in the large intestine, which need fiber for fermentation.

Starches on the other hand, are not easily digested by the horse, and large amounts can disrupt the microbes in the large intestines which can result in overproduction of acids/gas resulting in colic. It can also lead the microbes to die off, and these microbes release toxins, potentially causing laminitis.

If your horse needs a low sugar, low starch diet, or if you prefer to not feed excessive carbohydrates, “Cookie Crumblers” are the perfect way to get the medicine down.

At BEET-E-BITES, we use all natural, fiber-based ingredients and stabilized flax seed to avoid the large amounts of sugars and starches other treats contain. We test our treats and cookie crumblers at Equi-Analytical labs to guarantee the total sugars and starches are under the veterinary recommended 10%.

Visit us at to find out more about our treats! BEET-E-BITES COOKIE CRUMBLERS  BEET-E-BITES, the leader in low sugar/low carbohydrate horse treats, introduces “COOKIE CRUMBLERS”, the easy, safe, and delicious way to hide medications and supplements.

Or follow the link for treat and crumblers savings!

