Coolah Campdraft

Coolah Campdraft

Steve Hart
“Why follow a path when you can blaze a trail.”

Australian Campdrafting is coming to the United States:
Join us for America’s First Campdraft Clinic & Competition August 23-25, 2013, at the Elbert County Fairgrounds, Kiowa, Colorado. The US National Campdraft Association is excited and proud to announce the first Sanctioned Australian Clinic and Campdraft Competition on U.S. soil! In fact it will be the first in North America!

Welcome to the smell of cattle and sweat of horse and human; the dust swirling from beneath the quick hooves; excitement; anticipation. This is Campdrafting, the unique Australian horse sport originating in the outback in the late 1800s as a competition where stockmen and ringers pitted their horses against one another as they worked side by side in stock camps developing our great country.
Campdrafting remains the sport representing the tradition of Australian horsemen. It tests the ability of the man to select and judge cattle and the ability of the horse to control that beast around a predetermined course. It has grown from an outback station entertainment activity to a highly successful national sport involving thousands of competitors, both professional and non professional.
