Custom Trail Saddles for Riders seeking Quality & Performance!
SR Saddles are built for the selective rider needing the highest form of saddle quality available. Quality in craftsmanship and function.
SR Saddles are very high quality custom built saddles… combining master quality leatherwork, with its unique high-tech dynamic tree design… to significantly improve horse and rider function and performance. A true investment providing many years pride of ownership through quality and proper functional use to the rider and their horse. Not a throw away saddle.
Entering my 25th year of saddle design success, I invite riders here to take a closer look and really become familiar with and understand my saddles, and learn how they are different from every other saddle in the trail ride market. I am available always for further teaching of the successes of my saddles. It is the education of the proper use of a saddle which will satisfy the rider to purchase a saddle that one day they cannot ride without.
SR Saddles are my unique design, not merely a copy of western or english saddles. My saddle designs have originated from two American patents. My design delivers a dynamic component tree mounted onto soft upholstered skirting…replacing the rigid, non-yielding trees found standard in the saddle market. The failures of other saddles are not incorporated in the SR saddle designs, resulting in more comfort and freedom of movement for the horse and rider for a greater period of time and mileage. My target in design is to provide a saddle which remains fit to the horse during motion…not standing… and a true comfortable balance platform for the rider during motion…not standing still….
I personally hand craft each SR Saddle, they are not factory built. They are the finished dream of a horse loving rider, a craftsman, an artist. Each saddle can be custom made to your individual horse’s back and to the measurements of you…the rider. Even though my saddles can be custom fit to each horse, they can be refit to your horse as his back develops changes in back conformation (due to fitness, weight change, seasonal, developmental), or refit to a totally new horse in your future.
Steve Ray Gonzalez
As a rider…has been designing custom saddles and fitting for function for over twenty-six years. As a saddler he examples his true horsemanship and his overall love for the horse… he has developed a high understanding of the horses and riders needs, particularly through movement. This understanding leaves him truly capable of providing you and your horse with the best fit to function saddle on the market.
Customer Service a priority
Steve goes the extra mile in providing excellent customer service to those ordering and purchasing a saddle from him. He will work closely with you to design and build your saddle, and will be there for you after you receive your saddle and have questions, or need the saddle refitted/adjusted in the future. Steve offers unlimited saddle refittings, if needed, without shop costs for the first year after you purchase a new saddle directly from him. This supports the belief that horses will physically redevelop under a new proper saddle sometimes changing the initial fit to that horse. (Not applicable to used saddle purchases).
Steve’s ultimate concerns are for the comfort and function of the horse, and your comfort and function as a rider. Steve resides in Bend, Oregon, and is available to riders anywhere for saddle fit design and consultation. Saddle fit consultation and education of all type saddles is available upon request. Steve is a great teacher of saddle function and maintains that saddle “fit to function” education will benefit both the horse and the rider. 30 years of saddle fitting knowledge to share. www.srsaddleco.com
Learn to “Survive the Ride” with your equipment.
Steve Ray González
SR Saddles
21589 Bear Creek Rd.
Bend, OR 97701