DIHP Congratulates Devon Horse Show and Dynamic Duo from West Coast

DIHP Congratulates Devon Horse Show and Dynamic Duo from West Coast

Desert International Horse Park (DIHP) extends congratulations to Patrick Boyle and Phil J. DeVita, Jr., for being named the new show managers for the 2023 edition of the Devon Horse Show, set to take place in Devon, PA, from May 25-June 4. Proven in their dedication to DIHP, where they operate side by side to ensure the West Coast excels in top sport, each man brings decades of experience in every facet of managing top competitions and will certainly provide the prestigious Devon Horse Show with strong leadership for an impeccably-run event.

Over the last several years, Boyle and DeVita have joined forces and their innovative and effective approach to horse show management has been an instrumental part of the transformation of DIHP, a fall and winter horse park. Hosting everything from Pony Hunters to CSI5* show jumpers, the pair emphasizes the competitor experience no matter the level of horse show experience and has elevated the status of DIHP events as they gain recognition worldwide. DIHP is proud that Boyle and DeVita are, individually and as a team, being recognized for their tremendous hard work and innovation in horse show management.

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