Dr. Lori, star of Discovery Channel’s Auction Kings, appears in Mt. Laurel, NJ
Bring your stuff, free antique appraisals Sept 21 only at South Jersey’s Fall Home Renovation Show Dr. Lori, star antiques appraiser from the hit reality TV show Auction Kings on Discovery will appraise your antiques and collectibles at South Jersey’s Fall Home Renovation Show on September 21 at The Enterprise Center at Burlington County College located at 3331 Route 38, Mt. Laurel, NJ 08054. Arrive early since free appraisals are limited as part of Dr. Lori’s shows at 11 am and 2 pm. Additional items can be appraised for $25 per item. Each show is different, so attend both shows! Dr. Lori stars as the antiques appraiser on the Discovery channel’s hit reality TV show Auction Kings. She has been featured on NBC’s The Tonight Show and Comedy Central’s The Daily Show with Jon Stewart for her comedic and no holds barred approach. Home show visitors may bring an antique to be appraised as part of her wildly funny, one-of-a-kind, entertaining event. Dr. Lori never knows what kind of old stuff her audiences will bring her next and she leaves them howling for more. Every show is different and totally unscripted. Dr. Lori will pull no punches as she evaluates your stuff and makes you laugh. “I’ll break some hearts, I’ll make some millionaires” says Dr. Lori. As she entertains, Dr. Lori will provide tips on how to sell your unwanted stuff for top dollar, learn the secrets of auctions, negotiate to find bargains, and why you should NOT host a yard sale! And, Dr. Lori will share her unique insight on what’s really real about Reality TV. This is one of the reasons why CNN’s Anderson Cooper and Inside Edition ask Dr. Lori. Dr. Lori always had a love of history thru objects. The youngest of three daughters, Dr. Lori was affectionately known in her family as her father’s “son”. As a youngster, she enjoyed going fishing with her Dad, watching baseball games, and hunting flea markets and yard sales for antiques that would end up in her #1 favorite spot–her Dad’s garage. She now cherishes those memories as her father suffers from Alzheimer’s disease. Living through the Great Depression and World War II, Dr. Lori’s parents instilled their belief in education and their appreciation for the value of old objects. They encouraged Dr. Lori to follow her interests in the field. Thus, Dr. Lori earned several academic degrees in history including the Ph.D. from Penn State University. After years teaching in university classrooms and working as a museum director, Dr. Lori was inspired to start appraising antiques after an unexpected encounter with a 75 year old woman. “This woman told me her story. She had recently sold an historic George Washington document for $50 that was worth $50,000! She said she needed the $50 to pay her electric bill. When I met her, I thought, this woman could be my mother–anyone could make that mistake.” Dr. Lori says, “That woman’s mistake inspired me to share my education and expertise. So, I do just that presenting over 150 antique appraisal shows and appraising 20,000 objects that audiences bring me to review every year.” Dr. Lori is an award-winning TV personality and the star antiques appraiser on the hit TV reality show Auction Kings which airs on the Discovery channel. Dr. Lori shares insider information about antiques at www.DrLoriV.com and to 9.5 million readers through her internationally syndicated column featured in 406 newspapers worldwide and on her blog for Lifetime Television. Dr. Lori resides in Bucks County, PA.
September 2, 2013 Contact: (888) 431-1010 or www.DrLoriV.com for details and interview requests