Draper Therapies® Knock Your Socks Off Awards for FTI WEF 5 CSI5* to Kristy Herrera, Emma Roberts
Wellington, FL (February 14, 2014) – Draper Therapies® went across the map to name its Knock Your Socks Off Award winners for Week 5 of the FTI Winter Equestrian Festival, choosing a new horse owner from the great state of Texas and a Hunter Derby Finals trainer from the Commonwealth of Massachusetts, to both epitomize how a positive approach works with horses and with riders.

Draper Knock Your Socks Off Award winner, Herrera, of Oasis, Inc. in Sherborne, MA, brought a string of horses and students to Florida for the season, including the aptly-named Green Hunter, Ever The Optimist, who has been pinning consistently in the top ten in their classes.
“I think the riders and horses that I teach can feel the effects of positivism. We’re all able to put our best foot forward if we’re not feeling stressed,” said Herrera, who qualified for Hunter Derby Finals last year and, while the season is still young, feels optimistic about a return trip. “We’re hopeful. Everybody is on the right track.”
An equally upbeat attitude was demonstrated by Houston rider, Emma Lee Roberts, who earned the attention of the Draper Therapies Award presenters for her positive approach with her new mare, Pinto Bean.
Roberts and the six year-old Selle Francais, who have only been together for three months, posted a solid third out of 31 entries in one of their $1500 Farm Vet Adult Amateur Modified Jumper classes, and seventh in another.
“She’s gone really well,” said Roberts, who trains with Heather Caristo Williams. “She’s only six so I’ve been happy with how well she is handling everything, and we’ll just try to keep doing what we’re doing!
“When something goes wrong,” the Knock Your Socks Off Award winner said, “just stick to the plan.”
The Draper Therapies Knock Your Socks Off Award recognizes exceptional performances, rides or efforts that add ‘something extra’ to a show.
Each award winner received a Draper Therapies therapeutic saddle pad with Celliant®. Called the world’s most technologically advanced fiber Celliant helps alleviate pain and encourages vasodilation of blood vessels, to increase oxygenated blood to poorly circulating areas. Increased blood flow and tissue oxygen levels have been shown to help support muscles and joints in combating stiffness, soreness and edema caused by aging, injury or arthritis.

The FTI Consulting Winter Equestrian Festival (WEF) is the world’s largest and longest running equestrian competition. The 12-week event, through March 31, awards over $6 million dollars in prize money and hosts 5,000 horses and 2,800 riders from 50 states and 31 countries at the Palm Beach International Equestrian Center.
Draper Therapies products include scientifically-proven therapeutic horse blankets, boots, wraps and saddle pads, dog beds, mats and clothing. Independent studies have demonstrated that Celliant increases tissue oxygen levels, which are integral to increased performance, pain relief and improved muscle recovery. Learn more at www.drapertherapies.com or call 781-828-0029.
Photo 1: Emma Lee Roberts(center) with Pinto Bean and her mother Patricia Roberts(left) and trainer Heather Caristo Williams. (Photo courtesy of JRPR)
Photo 2: Kristy Herrera (right) was presented with the Draper Therapies Knock Your Socks Off Award during the fifth week of the FTI Consulting Winter Equestrian Festival. (Photo courtesy of JRPR)
Becky Shipps Draper Therapies 781-828-0029 becky@drapertherapies.com