Equine AA degree offered online.

Now you can earn an accredited Associate of Arts degree in Equine Business Management and do it completely online, affordably and in less than 18 months.

Equine AA degree offered online.

Now you can earn an accredited Associate of Arts degree in Equine Business Management and do it completely online, affordably and in less than 18 months.

Breyer State University, currently offering an online Bachelor of Science degree in equine studies, has expanded its program to include the Associate of Arts degree. www.HorseCoursesOnline.com provides the equine study curriculum for the program which includes eight general education courses and 10 equine study courses, plus a comprehensive exam course written exclusively for each student.Now you can earn an accredited Associate of Arts degree in Equine Business Management and do it completely online, affordably and in less than 18 months.

Horse courses required for graduation: Equine Nutrition, Bits, Saddle Fitting and Hoof Balance, Understanding Equine Behavior, Equine Health and Disease Management, Equine Reproduction, Stallion Management, Stable Management, Legal Aspects of Horse Management, The Business of Making Money With Horses, Equine Safety and Rescue.

A student may enroll in any course at any time, but must complete the course within 15 weeks. Each course is worth 4 credit hours; a student must be enrolled in 3 courses at a time to be considered a “full time” student.

Students work one-on-one by e-mail with their instructors at their own pace, when convenient. Course lessons are sent to each student who may then download and print the lesson or work directly on the computer.

The AA degree courses will be good for credit toward the Bachelor of Science degree should the student wish to enroll in the BS degree program at a later date. Credit will be given for the general education courses, so a student would only need to add an additional 13 equine study courses.

The total tuition for the AA degree program is $7,800, in comparison to traditional two-year equine study programs which average $18,000. A student may take one course at a time, so tuition is broken down into small payments. Financial aid is available.

Faculty is the key to making one program superior to another, and the faculty of HorseCoursesOnline.com is unmatched, being comprised of 17 experts in the fields they teach, including 5 trainers of world champion horses.Now you can earn an accredited Associate of Arts degree in Equine Business Management and do it completely online, affordably and in less than 18 months.

Full details of the programs can be found at www.equinedegreeonline.com  and www.horsecoursesonline.com

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