Francesca Nicoletti and “Bling” Balletino Win The Horse of Course High Score Award at 2013 Wellington Classic Dressage Spring Challenge

Francesca Nicoletti and “Bling” Balletino Win The Horse of Course High Score Award at 2013 Wellington Classic Dressage Spring Challenge

Francesca Nicoletti and “Bling” Balletino Win The Horse of Course High Score Award at 2013 Wellington Classic Dressage Spring Challenge

Wellington, FL (February 18, 2012) – Francesca Nicoletti and her recently imported horse, Ballentino, aka “Bling,” rode away from the Wellington Classic Dressage Spring Challenge with the high score of the CDI, scoring a 75.200% in the USEF Training Level Test 3 and winning The Horse of Course High Score Award. “We’re just a new team,” Nicoletti explained after the win, “and this horse is all the Bling a girl could ever want!” Nicoletti brought the flashy gray Hanovarian gelding (x Ballettmeister) over from HW Farms in Germany this past November, and she is hoping to get the 4 year old into the Developing FEI Young Horse classes this season. She was thrilled to receive a ribbon and beautiful embroidered cooler from the Horse of Course as a part of the HOC High Score Award.

Francesca Nicoletti and “Bling” Balletino Win The Horse of Course High Score Award at 2013 Wellington Classic Dressage Spring Challenge
Francesca Nicoletti and her recently imported horse, Ballentino, aka “Bling,” rode away from the Wellington Classic Dressage Spring Challenge with the high score of the CDI, and were presented with the High Score Award from Beth Haist of The Horse of Course. (Photo courtesy of JRPR)

“I ride in The Horse of Course saddles, and I absolutely love them!” explained Nicoletti. “All my students on all my horses – everyone rides in them. I’ve been riding in them ever since I met Marty 12 years ago,” she continued. Marty and Beth Haist, owners of The Horse of Course, are avid supporters of shows and events across the country, and the HOC is considered a loyal partner to dressage events everywhere. “My husband, Marty Haist, is a master saddle fitter and he will be on site, ready and able to meet your saddle and leather needs,” explains Beth Haist. “Marty can fit and flock saddles or if, for example, you need a crown piece made smaller for a young horse, Marty is the one to visit.”

Based in Claremore, Oklahoma, their mobile store travels the nation offering everything for the discriminating equestrian. From show supplies, bridles, saddles, and saddle pads to fashionable equestrian attire, breeches, jackets, shadbellys and accessories, The Horse of Course is a favorite stop for many of the nation’s dressage riders. “We are very excited to be the place to shop this season,” continues Haist. “We have everything horses and riders will need while competing in the Florida shows.”

The Horse of Course High Score Award recognizes weekly winners at the Florida circuit shows including the International Horse Sport Dressage series, the Global Dressage Festival, the Gold Coast Dressage Association, and Wellington Classic Dressage shows. The HOC High Score award is presented to riders achieving the highest score at selected shows.

The Haists will continue to travel the country catering to their clients needs and decking out horses and riders in world class fashion, including these well-known lines: Gersemi, Laurel Burch, Pikeur, Ariat, Kentucky, Goode Rider, Red Barn, Vespucci, Ovation, Intec, Kerrits, Romfh, Pure Lime, USG, and B//Verdigo. “We also carry the HV-Polo line which has been a big hit with our riders. The line offers stylish fun polo shirts, jackets and breeches with crested embroidery, microfiber cottons in the latest fashion colors from Germany. A highlight of this line is the matching coordinates for your horse including blankets, coolers and saddle pads.”

To learn more about The Horse of Course, visit their website at

Photo: Francesca Nicoletti and her recently imported horse, Ballentino, aka “Bling,” rode away from the Wellington Classic Dressage Spring Challenge with the high score of the CDI, and were presented with the High Score Award from Beth Haist of The Horse of Course. (Photo courtesy of JRPR)

The Horse of Course, Inc.

Beth Haist, CEO

888-49-HORSE (46773)
