Green-with-Envy Loses to Sno-Balls in “Frost ‘n’ Furious” 2-on-2 Arena Open World Championship

Green-with-Envy Loses to Sno-Balls in “Frost ‘n’ Furious” 2-on-2 Arena Open World Championship

The Sno-Balls were named world champions after winning the 2-on-2 Arena World Open Final on Sunday, December 29, in Wauconda, IL.  The title match was hosted by the Barrington Hills Polo Club in its 200’ x 60’ indoor arena in Wauconda, IL.

Typically, polo played in an arena requires three players per team and four periods of play (chukkers).

Sno-Balls, captained by USPA Central Circuit Governor, Megan West-Koll, narrowly defeated Green-with-Envy 35 to 25 in the 7-chukker championship match.  Green-with-Envy was led by Joan-Carles Brugue.  Nobody could decide who was MVP, but all agreed that Sno-Ball’s Ryann Ray was Second Most Valuable Player.  Ryann’s Chipmunk was named second best playing pony.

Sno-Balls fielded a 4-player team.  Green-with-Envy had 5 players.  Players rotated to fill the 2-player-per-chukker teams and ranged in age from 11 to 84.  Since the event was “open,” handicaps weren’t recorded and scoring was on the “flat.”  All players crossed their hearts and promised not to foul, thus umpires weren’t required and no penalties were called.  Other than that, United States Polo Association rules were generally followed.

The ”Frost ‘n’ Furious” event was the second 2-on-2 World Open.  The first took place in December, 2023, also at the Barrington Hills Polo Club.  According to club chairman John Rosene, the 2-on-2 Arena Open is “truly open” since no handicap limits are employed.  “Players of all handicaps are welcome,” he said.  “Theoretically, if all nine players in our match were rated 10-goals, we could have had a 40-goal team playing a 50-goal team, and wouldn’t that be cool?”  Organizers are considering introducing this format to the International Olympic Committee in a bid to get polo into future Olympics.

Sno-Balls in white jerseys were Megan West-Koll, Ryann Ray, Emily Smedlund and Katrina Anderson.  Green-with-Envy included Joan-Carles Brugue, Lilah Van Hyfte, Oliver Lipowski, Emily Lewytskyj and John Rosene.  Green-with-Envy wore green jerseys although they didn’t all match.  Each player was allowed to keep his or her jersey.  Green-with-Envy originally planned to wear blue jerseys, but the Circuit Governor objected to the idea of “Sno-Balls” competing with “Blu-Balls.”

Entries for the Third Annual 2-on-2 Arena World Open are being accepted now.  Players can enter as teams or as individuals.  So far, there probably won’t be an entry fee.  The only requirements are white pants, USPA membership and access to at least one fully tacked pony.  For more information contact:  Megan West-Koll at
