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Register at www.vitaflex.com to win over $400 worth of Vita Flex products during the Vita Flex Summer Product Giveaway. (Photo courtesy of Vita Flex)

Have Some Fun in the Summertime With The Vita Flex Summer Product Giveaway

Wellington, FL (June 11, 2013) – Vita Flex, a leading supplier of advanced performance products for horses, is planning to have some fun this summer and they want equestrians all around the country to join in. That’s why they are excited to announce the Vita Flex Summer Product Giveaway, because what could be more fun than winning over $400 worth of Vita Flex® products for your horses and walking away with more victories this season? Entering the Vita Flex Summer Product Giveaway is easy. Simply visit the website, www.vitaflex.com to see the rules and regulations, and then register to win the grand prize. One grand prize will be awarded to a lucky equestrian that includes favorite products used by the high-performance horses of members of the Vita Flex Victory Team. Products such as Accel®, Equinyl™ Glucosamine, Vision® pellets, Lactanase® and Thermaflex® Liniment Gel have all received rave reviews by top equestrians for helping their horses to ride into the ribbons, and they want more equestrians to share in the summertime fun.
