Lyle Adds Triple Crown® Dressage Excellence Award To Her Wellington Winning Streak
Adrienne Lyle has collected numerous top finishes aboard multiple horses during this year’s Adequan® Global Dressage Festival at the Palm Beach International Equestrian Center in Wellington, Florida. Her most recent were awarded during week eight with Harmony’s Duval, “Duval” and Salvino. The standout American dressage rider was recognized by Triple Crown as its week eight Dressage Excellence Award winner for her ability to show multiple horses to top finishes during this year’s event.

During week eight Adrienne and Duval scored first and second place finishes in the FEI Intermediate-II Friday (71.942%) and Saturday (70.441%). Duval (Rosseau x Uptown Girl) made his inaugural appearance in the Intermediate-II in mid-February and made his debut with an impressive 76%, which won the event. The 17.1HH gray Dutch Warmblood gelding (Rosseau x Uptown Girl) is owned by Duval Partners LLC. “We’re hoping to move Duval up to Grand Prix at the national level by the end of the season,” she said.
Paired with Salvino (Sandro Hit x Dynastie), Lyle celebrated two second place finishes during week eight starting with Thursday’s FEI Grand Prix (74.457%) and wrapping up the week in Friday’s FEI Freestyle (78.275%). The 17.2HH, 11-year-old dark brown Hanoverian stallion is owned by Elizabeth Juliano. In January, Lyle and Salvino won the FEI Grand Prix Special CDI3* (75.234%) and in February they posted a personal best score (75.319%) to win the Wellington CDI5* Grand Prix.
Lyle has been busy throughout the entirety of the Adequan® Global Dressage Festival. She piloted Juliano’s mare Horizon (Hotline x Don Schufro) in her first Grand Prix. “Horizon is competing in Grand Prix National and I’m hoping to get her into a CDI or two by the end of the season,” Lyle said.
She also showed Susan Dutta’s Dimacci DC (Dimaggio x Karubina) to a win in the Pre PSG-with a 76.6% and the Intermediate-I with 75.5%. She also debuted Jill Schriber’s Giovanni (Rousseau x Bellefluer) in his first show in January when he scored 72% to win his class.

“All of the horses I am campaigning are incredibly talented and all really different,” she said. “Each one has different strengths and different things that required a little more work so it’s been a fun puzzle to figure it all out.” To see more follow this link https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=FLzm9V0RgBY
Much like Lyle’s customized approach to each horse, Triple Crown Nutrition prides itself on offering feeds and forages tailored to suit the individual needs of every equine athlete. Using revolutionary formulations and premium ingredients, Triple Crown was the first company to add prebiotics, probiotics, and organic minerals to horse feed. Based in Wayzata, Minnesota, Triple Crown is the official feed sponsor of the US Dressage Team, Land Rover US Eventing Team, and Hermes US Show Jumping Team.
To learn more, visit the company’s official Facebook page or Instagram @TripleCrownFeed, call 1-800-451-9916, or visit www.TripleCrownFeed.com. Please direct specific inquiries about Triple Crown Florida to Craig Bernstein at 561-543-4526.