Mia Bagnato Wins $10,000 Mirror Lake Inn Resort and Spa 1.40m Open Stake at Lake Placid Horse Shows

Mia Bagnato Wins $10,000 Mirror Lake Inn Resort and Spa 1.40m Open Stake at Lake Placid Horse Shows

Stacy Cascio Wins Golden Arrow Lakeside Resort 1.25m Amateur Jumper Classic

Mia Bagnato rode Cordiamo to the win in the $10,000 Mirror Lake Inn Resort and Spa 1.40m Open Stake at the I Love New York Horse Show, the second week of the 55th annual Lake Placid Horse Shows (LPHS), Sponsored by Bainbridge Farms, LLC, and Presented by Sea Shore Stables, LLC. Featuring a full, two-week schedule with more than $540,000 in prize money, the Lake Placid Horse Shows continue through Sunday at the North Elba Showgrounds.

Located in the historic Olympic town of Lake Placid, NY, the annual LPHS offer two weeks of exciting equestrian competition in a setting no other horse show can match, surrounded by breathtaking views of the Adirondack Mountains and the chance to enjoy countless activities that help make the Lake Placid Horse Shows, “The Best Two Weeks of a Horseman’s Summer!” LPHS hosts competitions for riders of all levels and ages ranging from young children on polished ponies, to glistening hunters, to Olympic veterans aboard their grand prix mounts.

Bagnato was one of only two entries to reach the jump-off by riding clean over the 14-effort, first-round course designed by Nick Granat. She then turned in the only clean ride over the eight-effort tiebreaker course, finishing in 38.643 seconds. Laura Chapot actually beat her time, finishing in 38.260 seconds on Ginola, but a rail down gave her four faults and a second-place finish. Bagnato also took third place on Florida N with four faults in the first round.

Stacy Cascio rode Charles Daly to the win in the Golden Arrow Lakeside Resort 1.25m Amateur Jumper Classic. One of six to reach the jump-off, Cascio turned in the faster of the two clean jump-off rides, finishing in 43.963 seconds to take the win. Finishing second with a clean jump-off ride in 44.013 seconds was Taylor Harris on Ohio Dream.

Ella Witt took top honors in the 1.25m Junior Jumper Classic, riding Pro Diamant to the only clean round. Finishing second with just one time fault was Mia Frigon on Infuria P&P.

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The Lake Placid Horse Show Association, Inc. is a 501(c)(3) not-for-profit charitable organization. Further information is available by calling the Lake Placid Horse Show Association at 518-523-9625 or online at www.lakeplacidhorseshows.org.
