Palm Beach Horse Park Project Set to Present to the Wellington Village Council December 10th
Wellington, FL (Novmeber 11, 2013) – For the December 10 meeting of the Wellington Village Council, The Palm Beach Horse Park (PBHP) of Wellington is ready. The developers have a very workable plan to expand what is already one of the top equestrian destinations in the world by creating a world-class event center and horse park based on the American Quarter Horse and the many other American horse breeds.
The genesis of the PBHP began in 2000 when Van Dell, a longtime Wellington resident and business owner, began to design plans for an entertainment and event center based on the competitive nature of the American cowboy and his love for the American Quarter Horse. Van Dell plans to bring real Western to the West Palm Beach’s lifestyle.
He envisions Palm Beach Horse Park expanding Wellington’s equestrian industry by extending the season to 12 months, inviting all of the wonderful horse breeds to the Park, and further positioning south Florida as the most comprehensive equestrian locale in the world.
“Palm Beach County is one of the few sites in the world where a horse park like this is possible, thanks to the climate, proximity to the ocean, an international airport, and an established equestrian lifestyle already serving the jumping, dressage, and polo communities,” says Van Dell.
Van Dell and his group, which includes Marrell Jerkins, a long time Wellington resident and developer, as well as Alex Van Dell, Jack’s son and fellow avid equestrian, will present the Village Council with substaincial feasability, economic and civic impact studies. By the December 10 meeting, Van Dell says, “Our consultants will have their results compiled and our site plan will be completed. This meeting will secure the land to enable us to go forward with a contract for the project.”
The Horse Park estimates the economic impact of its project on Wellington and surrounding areas at $50 to $75+ million, with an additional 400-550 full and part-time jobs. The 5000 seat event center will be constructed to hurricane standards and could become part of the emergency management system for the county.
The Wellington Town Council meeting is an open forum and will be held at in the Village Hall on Tuesday eventing, December 10th at 6:30pm. Equestrians and interested residents are invited to attend the meeting and Van Dell is encouraging supporters to come with their cowboy hats on!
Learn more about The Palm Beach Horse Park at, contact them via email at or visit their office in the Publix Courtyard Shops in Wellington, Suite #6.
Photo: Jack and Alex Van Dell with a scale model of the Palm Beach Horse Park. (Photo courtesy of JRPR)
Jack Van Dell Palm Beach Horse Park (561) 333-3100