Premier Equestrian Hosts Zettl Book Signing at 2013 Dressage Summit
Wellington, FL (February 26, 2013) – Since the release of Dressage in Harmony in 1998 and The Circle of Trust in 2007, German Federation Gold Riding Medalist, Olympic Three-Day coach, and Toronto CADORA Hall of Famer, Walter A. Zettl, has been among the world’s most quoted horsemen, making the opportunity presented by Premier Equestrian all the more important to meet the man affectionately known as ‘WAZ’ and secure a personalized advance copy of his latest book on classical dressage, Ask Walter, during the USDF-accredited 2013 Dressage Summit which took place on February 9-11, 2013 at The Stadium at Palm Beach International Equestrian Center in Wellington. Ask Walter is set to debut in May of 2013.

The Summit’s groundbreaking collaboration – an idea more than a year in the making between Premier Equestrian and Linda and Pat Parelli – brought masters of dressage and natural horsemanship together including Zettl, classical master and Dressage Today contributor Charles de Kunffy and German FEI judge, Christoph Hess, along with natural horsemanship’s Linda and Pat Parelli, to demonstrate how fundamental principles of classical dressage apply to every level of the horse-and-rider relationship.
“Walter is a true master of the classical art and modern sport of dressage,” said Heidi Zorn, president of Premier Equestrian. “Premier offered advance, signed copies of his new book so the dressage enthusiast can take home a small piece of history. His collaboration with the other presenters at the Dressage Summit was a unique opportunity for dressage and natural horsemanship to come together and we were proud to be a supporter and headline sponsor of the event.”
“One should only ask as much from a horse as is exhibited in turnout or play when they are showing off like a ‘great stallion,” Zettl has emphasized. “These movements are natural and the horse enjoys doing them. Movements in horseplay are exercises in our tests. For me, this is classical dressage.”
In addition to partnering with the Parellis, Zettl, Hess, and de Kunffy for the inaugural Dressage Summit, Premier Equestrian has since 2000 offered affordable dressage arenas built from quality PVC materials and other quality products. Its dressage and driving arenas and flower boxes were featured at the 2010 World Equestrian Games and their arena footing is installed at The Del Mar National Horse Show and World Dressage Masters. Learn more by calling 1-(800)-611-6109 or visit www.PremierEquestrian.com.
Photo: Classical dressage master Walter Zettl (center) with Mark Neihart and Heidi Zorn of Premier Equestrian during the book signing at the 2013 Dressage Summit. (Photo courtesy of JRPR)
Heidi Zorn, Premier Equestrian