Saddle makers, Bliss of London have announced sponsorship with Canadian Para Dressage team member Bert (Roberta) Sheffield and her fabulous horse Wonderboy. Bert first contacted Bliss to see if they would be able to build a saddle that would allow the freedom for Whoop’s expressive movement but at the same time compliment her own position. “The Paramour Dressage saddle was an instant success for Whoop (Wonderboy) and the close contact for me is fantastic” said Bert who is based in Lincolnshire, UK. Bert trains with Gareth Hughes, Conrad Schumacher and Dutch Olympian, Ellen Bontje, as well as competing able-bodied her dual nationality will hopefully see her represent Canada at WEG 2014 and onto Rio 2016. “Bert is a great ambassador for the sport and has tremendous drive to succeed. We are very much looking forward to supporting her over the next few years and hopefully onto Rio 2016.” said Managing Director Nikki Newcombe
Nikki Newcombe
Bliss of London Ltd\
Liberty House
222 Regent Street