SOLD -Traditional Homebred – Thoroughbred x Irish Draught.

The Irish Sport Horse (ISH) is a recognised performance horse that ranks highly in the World Breeding Federation for Sport Horses Eventing Rankings. In the last ten years it has won eight times. Traditionally the ISH was a cross between an Irish Draught and a Thoroughbred that ranges in height from 15 to 17 hands (60 to 68 inches, 152 to 173 cm). The ISH is renowned for its good temperament and brains, while still being athletic and tough. We are now seeing more Warm Blood influence, but still retaining a proportion of Irish Draught and Thoroughbred. This is leading to better commercial returns for breeders as the Warm Blood and Thoroughbred are giving the extravagant movement and athleticism, with the Irish Draught contributing to the hardiness with a kind and trainable disposition.
