The Ultimate Guide To Preventing Horse Trailer Theft

The Ultimate Guide To Preventing Horse Trailer Theft #eliteequestrian elite equestrian magazine

The Ultimate Guide To Preventing Horse Trailer Theft

Whether you’ve owned a horse trailer for many years or have only recently purchased one, it’s important to know how to take care of it.

Transporting your horse to and from events can be tricky at the best of times, so it’s vital you have a well-maintained trailer.The Ultimate Guide To Preventing Horse Trailer Theft #eliteequestrian elite equestrian magazine

This can include making sure your horse is comfortable, that your lights all function properly and that it is well secured to your vehicle.

However, once you have arrived at your destination, you also have to consider where to best keep it safe. While you and your horse are out hacking or enjoying an event, you’ll want to make sure you’ve got some form of transport to return to!

While it’s not something any of us would especially like to think about, there are plenty of chancers looking to steal horse trailers. Generally, this is because they are relatively easy to steal.The Ultimate Guide To Preventing Horse Trailer Theft #eliteequestrian elite equestrian magazine

Without the proper care and attention, it only takes a moment to hitch one to the back of a vehicle and whisk it away. Before you know it, you are stuck with your horse, unable to transport them back to your stables.

Thankfully, there are plenty of ways to combat opportunistic horse trailer thieves to stop this nightmarish scenario becoming a harsh reality.

The people at Derby House have created an insightful infographic to help you combat and deter thieves.

The infographic is titled The Ultimate Guide To Preventing Horse Trailer Theft and you can take a look at all the tips for yourself below!The Ultimate Guide To Preventing Horse Trailer Theft #eliteequestrian elite equestrian magazine







