If your competition schedule involves travelling your horse in a lorry or trailer this spring or staying in temporary stabling, Verdo Horse Bedding is the ideal bedding solution at home or away!
Verdo Horse Bedding is a clever heat-treated wood pellet product, created for equine use. When a small amount of water is added to the bag a regeneration process is activated and within approximately 15 minutes, you are ready to empty the open bags out onto the lorry floor or in your temporary stable to create a soft fluffy and dry bed ready for your equine friend!
Verdo Horse Bedding is also ideal for enclosed areas or immediate occupancy due to it’s low dust content and because it has the capacity to absorb up to 3 times it’s own weight in liquid, it means your horse’s environment will stay cleaner and fresher for longer.
Verdo Horse Bedding also creates less waste, making skipping out/mucking out quicker and easier (Important factors at home and away at shows)
And because Verdo Horse Bedding comes in easy to stack lightweight bags, it takes up less room and weight than traditional bedding options, making it the ideal bedding this competition season!
Verdo Horse Bedding, the premium wood pellet equine bedding is delighted to be supporting the Moorland Exmoor Foal Project, Holt Ball Exmoor Pony Stud and Exmoor Pony Club for 2015.
The Moorland Exmoor Foal Project was established by Nick and Dawn Westcott in 2013 to help purebred Moorland Exmoor ponies make the transition from living wild and free on Exmoor to domestic life. Exmoors are an endangered breed (with less than 500 breeding mares worldwide) Dawn and her team use positive, trust-based methods of horsemanship to win the trust and confidence of the ponies. Some ponies remain in the project to help educate and promote the breed whilst others are found good homes.
Commenting on the association, Michele Griffiths Sales Executive says:
“Dawn campaigns tirelessly for the benefit of the breed and to be able to support her worthy work gives us great pleasure. With Verdo Horse Bedding’s low dust benefits and 100% virgin wood content, we are able to offer these ponies a natural and healthy approach to their first experience of bedding”
Dawn Westcott echo’s this sentiment:
“It is especially important for Exmoor ponies to have bedding that doesn’t cause skin or breathing problems and we have found Verdo Horse Bedding extremely good in all respects. It is easy to use, with minimal wastage, and very comfortable for the ponies in all areas – from large barns to field shelters.”
For further information:
Verdo Horse Bedding for horses at home and on the move!