2016 – Feathered Horse Classic hits a Milestone! We Hit the 10 year Mark!
What was just a phone call 10 years ago from the Georgia National Fair …. And it went like this ….. could you put on a horse show, we have an opening and need to have horses. I honestly am very proud to run the Seven Gypsy Vanner breed shows and National Championship for the Gypsy Vanner breed, sometimes you don’t know where life will take you.
The Breed, Gypsy Vanner has grown in leaps and bounds, the level of professionalism, training, and personal growth has been just mind blowing. Seeing this evolution has been a thrill, and passion come true. 10 years ago there were only had a couple horses being ridden …. Now FHC has Full Classes in WTC & WJL and Dressage Tests are topping out at 40-50 per show!
This is the Breed to watch – and I can assure you the world is watching and taking notice!
The North Carolina Feathered Horse Summer Classic is always an Enormous Success!
It is Held in beautiful Martin County – Williamston, North Carolina on July 22-24, 2016, at the Senator Bob Martin Arena. The city is known for its Beautiful Ecosystem Trails where you can paddle, camp and hike, fish, hunt, and wildlife photography is at the highest level.. The Roanoke River is paradise for any outdoors enthusiast. www.VisitMartinCounty.com for more info.
What’s Next?
The Georgia Fall show is right around the Corner… many have qualified for the Third Annual Gypsy Vanner National Championship Show in Florida 2017. There is still time if they haven’t qualified, exhibitors must attend two Feathered Horse Classic Shows and place 1-6th at ONE of the two Shows to be eligible!
Yearly Show Schedule:
1.) January, Jacksonville, FL for the National Championship
2.) January, Jacksonville, FL for the Florida Feathered Horse Classic
3.) April, Verona, MS for the Spring Feathered Horse Classic,
4.) June, Salt Lake City, Utah for the Feathered Horse Classic West
5.) July, Williamston, NC for the Feathered Horse Summer Classic
6.) October in Perry, GA during the GA National Fair, for the Feathered Horse Fall Classic
7.) Belton, TX for the Texas Feathered Horse Classic Visit www.FeatheredHorseClassic.com