A partnership of dreamers who get things done

Story and Photos by Nancy Jaffer

They’re a hard-working power couple who rode away from Dressage at Devon with several blue ribbons last weekend.

But the story of Shannon Stevens and her husband, Olympic team member Marcus Orlob, is about more than victories. Behind each of the successful moments are years of struggle, hard work and disappointments, all building blocks for constructing success.

They work out of Elite Expression Dressage in Annandale, N.J., a former hunter/jumper establishment previously known as Fairwin Farm, when it was run by trainer Nanci Urban. Before that, it was an Arabian farm, and a horse owned by actor Patrick Swayze was one of the boarders.

Adjacent to an area dominated by suburban housing, the wooded farm of nearly 60 acres is a contrast to the nearby development, with a long driveway that runs along pastures. Retired horses lounge happily together under the trees, there’s a lovely pond and the whole impression is of being out in the country, with the property backing up into the Amwell trail system.

Story is posted at www.nancyjaffer.com
