Because Of Love

Because Of Love

By Nancy A. Kaiser

In the beginning of all things, wisdom and knowledge were with the animals; for Tirawa, the One Above, did not speak directly to man. He sent certain animals to tell men that he showed himself through the beasts, and that from them, and from the stars and the sun and the moon, man should learn. Tirawa spoke to man through his works.

These words were spoken by Pawnee Chief Letakota-Lesa in 1904. This is the story of one such animal. Although she only lived for four months, she taught lessons that will remain with all who knew her for the rest of our lives. I can’t speak for the others, but she changed my life immeasurably.Because Of Love Nancy A. Kaiser

In the spring of 1993, an old friend, Boots Cassie, asked my husband, an equine veterinarian, for an opinion on a foal that had been born with scoliosis: curvature of the spine. The condition prevented her from standing on her own or walking once helped up. Bob examined the Quarter Horse filly and really couldn’t recommend euthanasia, although several other veterinarians had. He didn’t feel she was suffering inhumanely. Boots was willing to try whatever Bob suggested.

The horse’s attitude is a major factor when making these types of decisions. Are they willing to try? Are they allowing us to help them? Do they want our help? Our conclusions were based on intuition and years of experience. We had never seen a foal with this rare condition, but she was answering “yes” to all our questions. The filly displayed incredible determination and a remarkably strong will.

A team gathered, each with an expertise to contribute. The group began with Boots, who was willing to give her a chance despite no guarantees. (I never use the term “owner” for no one owns another; not person, animal, plant or land). Boots performed nursing care, which was a 24-hour job for several months. My husband contributed his medical expertise and became a guiding, positive force throughout it all. A veterinary chiropractor performed spinal adjustments, while another friend offered TTouch, an innovative method of animal healing. I lent moral support until I uncovered a hidden talent I could offer. This discovery became the filly’s greatest lesson for me.

I met the foal during the first week of her life. I have to admit that I couldn’t see how this was ever going to be a normal, useful horse. I felt so sorry for her, but everyone wanted to try, including the filly. Each person donated their services. We were involved for only one reason – to help the filly. This was so refreshing in a society of “what’s in it for me.” Our love of horses motivated us.

All who had the privilege of being taught by this filly came away with so much more than we gave. She taught specific lessons to each, along with general wisdom for all people. As a tribute to this generous creature, I will share how this special filly changed my life forever.

My expertise surfaced when the filly was almost two months old. She’d been slowly progressing from spinal adjustments, TTouch treatments, and physical exams by my husband. The filly was eating well and growing like any Quarter Horse foal. She still couldn’t rise on her own, but once helped up, she would drag herself around until she tired. Her increasing weight necessitated a hoist system to help her stand. The strength in her front legs was amazing, but her hind legs couldn’t do much beyond hold her up. Her barn name was Wild Woman due to the antics she’d go through trying to play in a less than perfect body.Nancy A. Kaiser

Around two months old, Wild Woman grew depressed and uncooperative. Bob examined her and found her physically healthy, except for her scoliosis. Our TTouch friend had been consulting with an animal communicator. The communicator planned to visit the filly the following weekend while teaching a workshop in the area. The things she said the filly had told her were truly remarkable. Such as: she had come to teach, she was starting to wonder whether all the suffering was worth it, and she didn’t like people feeling sorry for her. Her last comment shook me. I was guilty of that, and I felt awful.

We couldn’t be there with the communicator and the filly, but the next day we met the communicator at her workshop. She said that Wild Woman had decided to try awhile longer, but we had to be more positive around her. After watching her workshop, I knew this was what I was meant to do. It was as though a cosmic 2 x 4 hit me in my consciousness. I’d communicate for the filly. I’d communicate for all animals; their thoughts, desires, needs, feelings, everything. This would become my life’s work. First, I needed to learn how to, but from who?

I contacted a clairvoyant counselor that I’d met months earlier and told her about the communicator and the filly. I drove into Manhattan weekly to work with her. Remarkably, I began communicating with Wild Woman fairly quickly. I discovered that when something is aligned with your soul’s purpose things get facilitated. The barrier that had frustrated me all my life was gone. Finally, I could know exactly what the animals were thinking and feeling. I wouldn’t have to base serious decisions on intuition and experience. I’d just ask!

Now, I could ask how the filly was feeling at anytime. I added the use of healing energy; by laying-on hands when I was with her and telepathically when I wasn’t. I saw significant changes in her; these validated that I was having a positive effect both physically and emotionally with her.

To those who are thinking, “Oh no, another crazy,” I’d have thought the same a year before meeting this foal. Please open your mind and keep reading. What do you have to lose? Believe me, you have everything to gain. If a scientific, analytical, retired pharmacist can make the leap….

When I started working with Wild Woman, she didn’t know if it was worth trying anymore. I reminded her that she’d come to teach and asked if her lessons were taught. “No.” I asked if she would keep trying if we could get her outside. She’d try if she could go out soon. She’d never left her stall and none of us really knew what was possible. She taught us that possibilities are unlimited with a mind that’s open.

By three months of age, Wild Woman could get up by herself. This was huge, since it meant she could nurse at will. Everyone was elated, especially her. She’d gained a little of the independence that I knew was so important to her.

Boots registered her with the name “Because Of Love.” It was so appropriate. We were all involved because of love. Without love, this filly would have been euthanized long ago. I’d never called her Wild Woman, because I knew her antics stemmed from her frustration not youthful play. Now, we simply called her Love, which was perfect.

Love’s right hind leg started bending under the weight of a growing Quarter Horse foal. Bob tried a series of splints, casts and braces to stabilize her leg. If she damaged her hind leg, it would mean the end for her. I explained what we were doing and asked for her help, which she willingly gave. Being able to communicate what we were doing eased all our anxieties.

It is said that the eyes are the gateway to the soul. When I looked into Love’s big, soft, brown eyes, the sense of understanding and appreciation, the sense of her soul, was incredible. She was always cooperative unless we overstepped our bounds. She’d quickly, but gently, put us back in our place. Always the teacher!

My clairvoyant teacher came out to see Love. She said we had to build a gizmo like they used for dogs that are paralyzed behind. We provided a million reasons why it wouldn’t work with a horse. She wouldn’t listen, thank goodness. She was right, but our minds were closed until Love, and love, forced them open.

Our focus remained on her right hind leg, but nothing was helping. One day while with the filly, we finally accepted that she’d never get out on her own. The cart’s time had come. I don’t think any of us wanted to admit that the cart might be the best we could give her. We wanted more for this wonderful horse that had come to teach us, but it was time to get realistic. Our job was to give her the best life experience possible. She deserved no less.

My husband started to build a cart. He said that I had promised her that we’d get her out, and he wanted to keep my promise. Bob helped Love outside for the first time at three-and-a-half months of age. I couldn’t be there, which was fitting. Bob was the one person who’d never given up. He deserved to share this special event with Love. She was so excited when I spoke with her about it.

The cart broke from her weight, but Boots knew someone who could build one in heavier metal. Bob repaired his and went back the next day. He pressed her, Love got angry, and then he got angry. She expressed humiliation at the way she’d been handled. Bob confessed they had kind of forced and manhandled her, i.e. disrespected her. The breadth of her emotions continually amazed me.

Love wanted so desperately to be independent. It broke my heart to know she never would be, but I wouldn’t let her sense that from me. The next day she was very depressed about not going out. The new cart was delayed, so we tried again with Bob’s. This was the first time I saw her out. She was amazing! She flew as fast as she could to the grass to graze. I was ecstatic to see her out at last. My promise had been kept.

Her short time out had her sweating and breathing like she’d run five miles. When I told her that I was appalled at how hard she had to work, she said she didn’t mind. I thought I’d be happier seeing her outside, but knowing how many people she had to rely on was disheartening. She’d never be truly independent.

The stronger cart arrived and was donated by the generous builder. Love attracted the most wonderful people. The cart could handle her weight and had wheels that swiveled. She galloped out in it calling to the other horses. She seemed so proud of herself. Later, I asked her why she was screaming at the others. When she told them we were going to fix her so she could go out, they said we wouldn’t if it was too hard. The older horses’ low opinion of people broke my heart, but I certainly understood it.

I went away for a weekend workshop. When I got home, Bob told me that Love had developed diarrhea the day before. Until now, she’d been a very healthy foal despite her spinal problem. Boots called to report that Love was very bad, so we flew over. Bob treated her and drew a blood sample, which we rushed home to run.

Love informed me that it was time for her to leave. Her lessons were taught or would be by the time she departed. I could feel her running freely as she spoke with me. I felt wind in her face and grass under her feet. It was what we’d wanted for her in this life, but couldn’t achieve. My tears flowed. I would miss her terribly. I knew in my heart that my information was accurate. Being so inexperienced, I immediately called my teacher and the animal communicator for confirmation. I reached two answering machines.

Bob headed back to Love, who was in great distress. Boots decided to euthanize her, but they’d wait for me if I wanted. Yes! I hurried to her. As I sat with her head in my lap, those beautiful, soulful eyes reflected such peace. They belied the severe physical distress she was in.

At 4:35 PM on August 16, four months and one day from when she entered this life experience, she departed. I returned home to messages from my teacher and the communicator. Neither of them felt she’d made the decision to leave yet, which didn’t jive with my conversation with her. Love’s parting lesson for me was to believe what my heart tells me. Believe in yourself!

Five days later, I talked with Love for the last time. I asked if I could write her story. “You’re supposed to.” I asked what her most important lesson was. “Take action through Love. If they keep love as the basis for all their decisions in life, everything in life will work for them. People need to let their hearts guide them for the good of all creatures, both human and non-human.” I felt her moving away from me and knew I wouldn’t talk with her again until she came back into a new life experience with a perfect, new body. (She does return, but you’ll have to read my book to learn more about this incredible animal teacher).

While Love was not one of my own animals, she was as influential as those who have shared each day with me. This exceptional filly helped me discover my purpose in life. She helped me recognize that I have an empathy for animals that goes beyond that of most people. With this gift I’ve been helping animals and their people live harmonious lives together for the past 17 years. Love allowed this remarkable foal to achieve what seemed impossible. With Love as our driving force, everything is possible. I hope Love’s story will awaken within you unlimited possibilities.

He sent certain animals to tell men that he showed himself through the beasts, and that from them, and from the stars and the sun and the moon, man should learn.

Nancy A. Kaiser lives in the Blue Ridge Mountains of North Carolina with her two Labrador brothers and her Swedish Warmblood horse. She operates “Just Ask” Communications, a business devoted to healing the human-animal bond through enhanced communication and understanding. Nancy is an award-winning author of two books, Letting Go: An Ordinary Woman’s Extraordinary Journey of Healing & Transformation and Tales of an Animal Communicator ~ Master Teachers.  Visit her Website:

