Cakes By Lisa

Cakes By Lisa (Lisa Menz) Elite Equestrian magazine #eliteequestrian

Cakes By Lisa

Cakes By Lisa (Lisa Menz) has had a passion for the sugar arts in the cake world, as well as her passion and the love of horses all her life. Lisa always loved to create art in one form or the other since she was a child. The sugar art for cakes would not come into play until 1992, as she made her living as an equine trainer for 40 years in the professional show arena in Texas and Florida. Once that part of her life slowed down she then turned her attention to the world of cakes.Cakes By Lisa (Lisa Menz) Elite Equestrian magazine #eliteequestrian

Lisa now makes her living in the cake world going on 25 years now. This is how the idea came to her many years ago for specialty horse cake toppers. An inspiration that needed to be fulfilled by making beautiful, elegant horse toppers to set on the most beautiful wedding cakes. She is the original designer who started these beautiful wedding cake toppers. Lisa continues to be inspired to create one of a kind custom cakes that wow her clients and show the world the endless possibilities of how beautiful equine cakes can be.Cakes By Lisa (Lisa Menz) Elite Equestrian magazine #eliteequestrian

Cakes By Lisa (Lisa Menz) Elite Equestrian magazine #eliteequestrian


These items are currently available on ebay at the following link: 

Arabians are also available at this link:

You can follow her on FaceBook, Cakes By Lisa (Ocala, Fl) or visit her fabulous website at www.CakesByLisa.Net

