Elite Equestrian banner ad placement
EE website gets approx. 250,000 views per week according to GoDaddy security report.
Web Banner Advertising – Elite Equestrian magazine
Elite Equestrian magazine has been rated the #1 equestrian lifestyle magazine in the US by Feedspot
Sidebar 300 x 250 pixels
$99 month. Free with print ad
Home page and Article pages
Page banner ad. 728 x 90 pixels
Bottom of every page
$1000 year.
Post/article banner ad. 728 x 90 pixels
Bottom of every article. Approx 2000 articles.
$1500 year.
Email blast banner ad. 600 x 112 pixels
Bottom of all EE emails sent out.
Approx. 50,000 per week.
$100 per week $5200 year