Gary Vander Ploeg Crowned Premier Equestrian Sportsmanship Award Winner for Stillpoint Farms CDIO Nations Cup
Wellington, FL (February 27, 2014) – “You have to laugh at least a few times each day,” said Dutch Grand Prix rider Gary Vander Ploeg, whose winning smile and attitude earned him the Premier Equestrian Sportsmanship Award after his performance in the Stillpoint Farms CDIO Nations Cup Grand Prix at the Adequan Global Dressage Festival in Wellington, Florida.

Vander Ploeg rode Degas, a 15 year-old Oldenburg (Donnerhall x Pretty Lady) gelding, co-owned with Jean Vander Ploeg, that he has trained through the levels since the 17-hand bay was just four year-old prospect.
“It’s been a tough winter,” said the Toronto, Canada horseman. “Between ice storms and bad weather, it was tough getting to Florida and it took time to acclimate. But the weather has been getting better and so have the horses.
“I’ve had the good fortune of seeing alot of the world, but Wellington? This is an absolutely all-in-one, world class facility that can’t be beat.”
“When you reach the top levels of international competition, you not only expect the best, you deserve it,” said Heidi Zorn, president of Premier Equestrian. One of the world’s leading names in equestrian arenas and footing, Premier Equestrian is the Official Dressage Arena of the USEF, North American Young Riders, and U.S. Dressage Finals.
In addition to presenting a tricolor neck ribbon to Degas, Zorn gave the Premier Equestrian Sportsmanship Award winner a gift certificate from Premier Equestrian, and hardcover copy of Ask Walter, the latest book on classical dressage training for the horse and rider written by German Gold medalist and author, Walter Zettl and available through Premier Equestrian.
For over a decade, professional horsepeople have come to Premier Equestrian for affordable, quality arenas built from PVC and other topnotch materials, as well as footing, stadium fences, barn and stable equipment, gifts, books and DVDs.
Some of the world’s top dressage and combined driving horses have performed on Premier Equestrian surfaces, including at the 2010 World Equestrian Games and Del Mar National and World Dressage Masters.
For a free catalog, free arena footing sample or free arena sand analysis, call (800) 611-6109 or visit www.PremierEquestrian.com.
Photo: Gary vander Ploeg is presented with the Premier Sportsmanship Award at the Global Dressage Festival Nations Cup CDIO. (Photo courtesy of JRPR)
Heidi Zorn, Premier Equestrian 1-800-611-6109 www.PremierEquestrian.com