HITS Culpeper has the Green Light to Start July 1
An Update from Tom Struzzieri on the HITS Summer Series
Horse showing is a go at HITS Culpeper, beginning with the two-week July Series, July 1-12! We are excited to be back in the ‘Heart of Virginia’s Horse Country’ for the 2020 season! Watch Tom Struzzieri’s most recent update on HITS Culpeper, HITS Chicago, and HITS Saugerties. For more information on HITS Culpeper, including Entry Blanks, Schedules, Prize List, and Stabling Requests, visit the HITS Culpeper Page.
We are fortunate to be back to horse showing, but we also stress that under the current conditions it is imperative that all participants continue to practice safety and health measures. Social distancing, wearing of masks and other protocols must be followed by all, so HITS may continue to produce the horse shows that our exhibitors have come to know and love.
The HITS Horse Show Protocol is in place and we expect 100% throughout the season at all HITS Shows. Be sure to review the HITS Health and Safety Protocol and HITS Quick Tips prior to your arrival at HITS, so that a safe and enjoyable environment is maintained.
To view previous Video Updates, visit the Corporate Press Page. Please do not hesitate to Contact Us if you have any questions or if we can be of assistance in making your plans this summer.
More about HITS
Since its inception in 1982, HITS, Inc has grown into one of the largest producers of Hunter/Jumper horse shows in the United States. With four multi-week show circuits at its owned facilities in Florida, New York, Virginia, and Illinois, and as host to the annual HITS Championship and the $1 Million Grand Prix, HITS’ Commitment to Equestrian Sport is unprecedented.
Based in upstate New York in the Village of Saugerties, HITS has a nearly 40 year history of producing top-level USEF-Rated shows. A dedicated full-time staff brings more than a century of equine experience, from riding and training to barn and show management, and beyond, to their word-class shows.
For more information and a complete schedule of classes and events, visit HITSShows.com. Stay connected with HITS! Join us on Facebook and follow us on Twitter and Instagram. Media should contact the HITS Media Team.