HITS Ocala Supports Expansion of Sport at the Horse Capital of the World

HITS Ocala Supports Expansion of Sport at the Horse Capital of the World

Following the announcement of the 2023 USEF competition calendar, HITS LLC eagerly awaits the commencement of the winter show season at HITS Ocala. HITS will continue to offer competition for all levels of horses and riders at its 600-acre facility with over 400 paddocks and 1500 stalls for trainers looking for the perfect horse-friendly environment in the Horse Capital of the World.

“As the world’s largest producer of hunter/jumper competitions in the United States, HITS is thrilled to see how the equestrian industry has grown and thrived in recent years,” said CEO Tom Struzzieri. “With a strong leadership role in the industry, HITS believes that allowing USEF-rated competitions to be held at all venues is in the best interest of the growth of the sport. HITS did not object to the date requests of other local venues, as unsanctioned events do not benefit anyone, especially the horse. We have looked at the sport as a whole, and want to support its expansion in Florida, California and throughout the United States. We believe that HITS offers a unique experience for its customers and that the industry can support continued growth at all venues.”

HITS Ocala has several new improvements planned for the 2023 show season thanks to its new partnership with Traub Capital Partners, guaranteeing its commitment to creating the best possible venue for the horses that our riders cherish.

In addition to our $1,000 circuit stall, HITS has ordered larger 10×12 portable stalls that will now be available for $1,500 for the circuit, as well as the 750 permanent stalls throughout the facility that are available during season. During Week 4 and Week 10, HITS will feature world-class hunter competitions with the best Hunter Derbies in the country. HITS has invested in 3,000 trees and shrubs to improve the venue’s ascetics and enhance the farm-like environment that makes HITS Ocala unique.

HITS believes in supporting every level of the sport, and will once again host divisions for riders of every level. In keeping with tradition, HITS will continue to encourage the development of the sport by offering free entries for the 5, 6 and 7-Year-Old Young Jumper divisions.

“The HITS Team is excited to see what the 2023 show season will bring and the expansion of the sport in Ocala,” concluded Struzzieri. “Horses are at the core of our business, and we want to continue to provide them with the best possible environment and competition experience so that our customers can continue to enjoy the sport that they love for decades to come.”

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HITS Ocala Supports Expansion of Sport at the Horse Capital of the World :: HITS (hitsshows.com)
