US Distributor Debuts Neue Schule Bits at AETA Tradeshow
Wellington, FL (January 14, 2013) – Mette Larsen, the US Distributor, and Heather Hyde, the United Kingdom representative, will be at The AETA (American Equestrian Trade Association) Trade Show January 26-28, 2013. “We are excited to be at the AETA Greater Philadelphia Expo Center for the trade show. The bit’s are anatomically designed for the horse’s mouth and create a better platform for the rider-horse connection. We look forward to showing the selection of these amazing bits,” Larsen explained.

Neue Schule offers range of high performance, superior comfort bits that are ergonomically designed, using the latest in engineering and computer aided design (CAD) technologies and incorporate a unique metal alloy that promoting salivation, acceptance and communication. “The better the design the bit is, the easier it is for the rider and the horse. Each bit addresses the various issues that occur between the horse and the contact with the bit, like pulling on the rider, hiding behind the bit, unevenness in the hand, tongue issues, etc. The bits are designed to help alleviate some of these issues so that the horse and rider get back to focusing on their ride or their training.
All three of my horses use these bits.” Larsen explained. Mette and her horse, Ulivi were selected to ride with Anne Gribbons at The Equne Affair, a trade show held in 2012 in Massachusetts. Larsen said, “Anne Gribbons was excited about the bits and wants to try them herself.”
Larsen and her horse Ulivi won the United States Dressage Federation KWPN Adult Amateur Horse of the Year Champion at Prix St. George and Reserve Champion at the Intermediare-1. Ulivi won the yearend award after a season of competing in the Neue Schule bits. According to Larsen, “The curb bit fits better in his mouth. He had issues with tension and the Neue Schule bits helped us with tension and performance. Because of what I experienced with Ulivi, I decided to bring the bits to the US and be the distributor of these bits.”
The bits are expected to in demand at the AETA tradeshow. Heather Hyde along with Mette Larsen will be on hand to show all the component of the Neue Schule bits. Together they will be able to answer any questions about the bits and help tack store buyers understand all the technological components and how they all benefit the horse. Look for the Neue Schule booth at AETA, #1321 and #1322.
Photo: Advanced Neue Schule bits will be debuted at the AETA show January-26-28th, 2013. (Photo courtesy of Neue Schule)
Mette Larsen MetLar – Neue Schule Bits mlarsen@metlar-us.com 631-252-5574