Wellington Classic Holiday Challenge Dressage Show Supports Toys for Tots
Wellington, FL-October 24, 2012- The November 1 opening date for entries for the Wellington Classic Holiday Challenge will soon be upon us, and you won’t want to miss out on this Great American/USDF qualifying competition while helping those less fortunate in the community.
The Wellington Classic Holiday Challenge, produced by Wellington Classic Dressage and scheduled for December 8-9 at the Palm Beach County Equestrian Center, features classes for everyone.

Wellington Classic Holiday Challenge.
Photo by Jennifer Wood.
The United States Equestrian Federation (USEF) Level 2 Competition offers
United States Dressage Federation (USDF) Introductory Level to Musical Freestyles, USEF First through Fourth Levels, and Fédération Equestre Internationale (FEI) Prix St. Georges (PSG) through Grand Prix as well as FEI Musical Freestyles and FEI Five- and Six-Year Old Tests.
Participants and spectators are encouraged to bring a new, unwrapped toy or check donation for Toys for Tots to help spread holiday cheer this season.
“This is a fantastic opportunity to jumpstart your show season while helping a great organization,” show organizer Noreen O’Sullivan of Wellington Classic Dressage said. “Toys for Tots, sponsored by the U. S. Marine Corps Reserve, collects and distributes toys to less fortunate children in the community and we want to support that effort.”
For more information about the Wellington Classic Holiday Challenge, log onto www.wellingclassicdressage.com or contact Noreen O’Sullivan at Wellington Classic Dressage at nosullivan@wellingtonclassicdressage.com at (561) 227-1570.
To contact Show Secretary Ann Hart, call (561) 685-3916 or ashbrookfarm@hotmail.com
For more information about how you can help Toys for Tots, log onto www.toysfortots.org.
For a copy of the Show Omnibus, go to http://www.wellingtonclassicdressage.com/2012/holiday_challenge.pdf