Get the most out of the combination!
For several years EQcure is working with riders and horses. This can be on location, but also a photo reading is a very good tool. A photo reading can be requested from all over the world, because time and place are not an issue. Although EQcure is settled in the Netherlands, requests come from different countries.
Some examples of reasons to request a photo reading:
- behavioral problems or other problems of your horse
- if you want to know something about the past of your horse
- in case of unclear health problems of your horse
- injuries, where support can be used for float recovery
- what does my horse need for training /exercise
- Mission EQcure
- Balancing rider and horse, making it optimal for the combination. Provide guidance on balancing the combination, in addition to veterinary surgeons and in addition to thorough riding lessons, so blockades and injuries can be resolved quickly and better results achieved.
- Vision EQcure
- When riders and horses are emotionally, physically and mentally in balance, more pleasure and less effort can be achieved, they maximize their ability and their mutual relationship. This leads to more happiness, more satisfaction and better results.
Below you can read a review. This is an example of a treatment session on location.
“My first experience with Marjolein was with my daughter.
During show jumping her pony refused to jump the blue obstacles.
When I told Marjolein, she said it was my daughter who did that and not her pony. Marjolein has solved this problem with my daughter and after the treatment she never refused on the blue obstacles again.
I also had treatments by Marjolein before dressage competitions myself.
I have always been very nervous about the dressage competitions. Marjolein treats me but also my horse, not together but separated. And we also have combination sessions. After the sessions I competed and the results were very good. I am very satisfied with the help of Marjolein.
I can recommend her, she always makes me feel at ease.
As you can see there are more possibilities for getting answers and solving issues as a rider. Sometimes it needs a deeper insight and communication with the horse can solve so many problems.
Marjolein Lagrand: “Every rider and every horse is unique. Also any combination of horse and rider is unique. I can’t get a bigger gift than my contribution to their well-being and success!”
If you have any questions for EQcure, please don’t hesitate and send an email to info@eqcure.nl