Learn To Ride Perfect Figures With Walter Zettl’s “Circle Points” DVD From Premier Equestrian
Sandy, UT (June 29, 2012) – Classical Dressage Master Walter Zettl, who has been a key contributor to the evolution of the sport of dressage, is a strong supporter of the importance of accurately ridden figures in the training and development of the dressage horse. To help riders master the perfect circle and to help them ride accurate figures, Zettl has developed the “Circle Point” DVD, available through Premier Equestrian, LLC, a leading supplier of dressage arenas, horse jumps and stable accessories.

“The circle is the foundation of all dressage riding. It is very important for the horse’s training to ride these figures correctly and accurately,” said Zettl. “I developed this series of markers to help riders visualize the figures and to give them a visual cue as to where to turn, bend, or begin or end a movement. This allows them to ride with absolute precision.” Walter Zettl has been training dressage horses and riders for over 60 years, and teaches the art of dressage using the classical method for gentle, non-forceful training. The Circle Point Markers help dressage riders execute 6, 10 and 20-meter circles flawlessly, and act as visual and spatial cues for accurately ridden serpentines, diagonals, and other dressage movements that are used to train the horse up the levels. The DVD will instruct viewers on the basic set up and use of the Circle Point System, then Zettl explains some of the training exercises using USDF Gold Medalist Margo Gogan as the demo rider. Finally, Margo expands upon these exercises using three of her students demonstrating many of the fine points and possibilities inherent in the Circle Point System.
Walter Zettl is recognized as one of the world’s top dressage masters. He has taught classical dressage training techniques for over 60 years. An Olympic coach, CADORA Dressage Association Hall of Fame inductee, and sought after clinician, Zettle makes his home in St. Catherine Ontario.
“Walter is one of the true classical dressage masters and we are very pleased to offer his Circle Points DVD and Circle Points Markers,” said Heidi Zorn, President of Premier Equestrian. “Walter developed the Circle Point Markers many years ago and they have helped many riders and trainers develop their own skills at riding circles and figures correctly, all to the benefit of their horses.”
Most dressage riders in training know the circle is the foundation for upper level movements. The Circle Point Markers identify the center and quarter lines in the arena, as well as mark eight different locations to help riders execute perfect circles. Sets include four quarter-line markers, four 20-meter markers, eight circles and 16 points. The Circle Point Markers come with a pocket book of instructions and layout diagrams.
“The Circle Point Markers come in three different styles, to adapt to different styles of arenas,” Zorn said. “There is a rail version that clamps onto your existing arena, a wall versions that easily attaches to walls or fence posts and a label version that is great for adhering to cones, PVC posts, fence rails or any other type of smooth plastic or metal surface.”
Premier Equestrian is a leading supplier of dressage arenas and equine arena footing, and they sell GGT™ Footing, ProTex and Prostride Crumb Rubber. Premier Equestrian also offers a complete line of horse jumps and horse jumping equipment, including jump standards, gates, walls, jump cups, jump poles, sponsor jumps and cavaletti. For more information on all Premier Equestrian products visit their website at www.PremierEquestrian.com or call 800-611-6109.
Photo: Dressage riders who want to learn to ride perfect circles and figures can now get help from Classical Dressage Master Walter Zettl thanks to Zettl’s Circle Point Markers sold by Premier Equestrian, LLC. A leading supplier of dressage arenas, horse jumps, and stable accessories, Premier Equestrian also sells Zettl’s books and DVD series. (Photo courtesy of Premier Equestrian
For more information contact:
Heidi Zorn, Premier Equestrian
Equinista, Equinista magazine
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