Ex-Racehorses Need Second Chance at Life!

Ex-Racehorses Need Second Chance at Life!

Loxahatchee, FL (September 10, 2012) – Florida Trac is a rescue organization dedicated to caring for Florida thoroughbred horses that are no longer able to race. Many of these horses have sustained injuries or acquired medical or even surgical problems that are crippling and/or life-threatening and expensive to treat. Once Florida Trac makes the commitment to care for these horses, they are fed, cared for and given veterinary care on par with privately owned horses anywhere. This care can at times be elaborate and can run into considerable cost. On a number of occasions, such care has been life-saving. Reid & Associates Equine Clinic in Loxahatchee, Florida has provided some of this care for many of these horses. Unfortunately a large number of rescues were made simultaneously with the occurrence of a number of serious illnesses in horses already committed to by Florida Trac and/or Reid & Associates. Consequently, it is possible that Florida Trac will be unable to meet its financial obligations to Reid & Associates in a timely fashion. This has compromised our ability to respond to existing and future urgent medical needs. Any financial contributions to help alleviate this situation would be most appreciated.

Ex-Racehorses Need Second Chance at Life!
Two Socks, before and after. She is now living a healthy, happy life. (Photo courtesy of Florida TRAC)

Examples of some of the horses treated recently:

“Spirit” a yearling and two other young horses were rescued from a near-death starvation situation in south central Florida. A fourth horse trapped in the same paddock unfortunately starved to death. The three rescues were treated and were gradually rehabilitated under the care of Dr. Barry Green. “Spirit” unfortunately had such a ravenous appetite during his rehabilitation that on one occasion he choked during feeding and subsequently aspirated feed material into his lungs. On top of starvation to near death from emaciation, he developed severe life-threatening aspiration pneumonia and pleuritis. As his affected lung necrosed he developed a bronco pleural fistula which additionally compromised him. He was admitted to Reid & Associates for intensive hospital care. He had to remain on systemic antimicrobial treatment there and wore one or more chest tubes draining infected material from his chest cavity for months. Florida Trac never gave up on “Spirit” and he eventually recovered completely with complete resolution of the pneumonia, the pleuritis and the broncho pleural fistula. “Spirit” also regained all of his weight and grew several inches in stature. Both of the other horses under the care of Dr. Green also recovered completely. Reid & Associates hospitalized one of them, “Two Socks” shortly after his rescue due to his weakness and inability to stand. After a few weeks of intensive support in a sling lift stall, he was returned to Florida Trac. Now he has regained all of his muscle and fat and leads a healthy, normal horse life.

“My Saint” was rescued by Florida Trac and one day experienced severe colic. He was hospitalized at Reid & Associates and eventually required surgery for a very severe torsion which means twist of his large colon. He was nearly lost following surgery from colon damage and protein loss and foundered in one foot. The protein loss and colon damage eventually resolved completely at Reid & Associates Hospital and even the founder responded to treatment. “My Saint” is to be adopted and is expected to live a full and comfortable life. No less than twelve other horses have been hospitalized from Florida Trac all within a few month period and no fewer than 5 have required surgery to survive.

Any donations to aid in the continuing veterinary care of these horses or to give them a second chance at life after life-threatening illnesses could be made for Florida Trac Veterinary Care by calling Reid & Associates at 561-790-2226.

FLORIDA TRACS WEBSITE: http://www.fltrac.org

Jan Zebobia

Reid & Associates Equine Medicine and Surgery

byvet@comcast.net     561 790 2226
